WHo are WE?
We (Patrick & Marko) met in the early 90s and quickly discovered a common passion:
The passion for Techno.
During countless nights we partied hard, absorbed the sound but also very soon started to produce our own tracks.
Together with three other friend we started in 1994 our first project SHINY HAPPY PEOPLE. Later it was changed to CHROMATIC BRAIN SUPPORT and in 1998 to FOAM. In 1999 the common musical paths seperated and since the we both are FOAM ELECTRIC.

In our former homebase Stuttgart we played live sets at parties and clubs like OZ and Neue Heimat until 2002.
Still today we are very proud to have released on the legendary label Mutter Tonträger by Daniel Benavente and Frank Yentner.

Career and life took us to different cities and countries, but friendship and the desire for music remained.
A spontaneous trip together led us to Ibiza in 2015 to the Space-Closing. And (after a really remarkable night of partying) we decided to restart FOAM ELECTRIC - after a break of almost 15 years.
Finally in 2019 we also found our way back on stage.

Then As Now - we want to show you our interpretation of electronic music, celebrate with you and we hope you like it.